Consumption Journal Assessment Brief
Learning Objectives: 3,4
Weighting: 20%
Type: Individual
Description: Students individually prepare a consumption journal of 20 entries (4 weeks x 5 entries per week). More information in the Assignment Brief on Wattle.
Due date: Tuesday Week 7 @ 23:59
Marking Criteria: See Grading and Feedback.
Late Submission: Late submission without a pre-approved extension are penalised at the rate of 5% of the possible marks available per working day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not accepted after 10 working days after the due date.
Return of Assessment: Up to 10 working days after submission
Assessment Overview Session:
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So the previous ones the weekly assessments, quizzes and topic discussions are weekly in various combinations of, um, you having to do something every week versus doing something once a semester. So the consumption journal This is all about generating data about your, um, consumption experience. So come on, Come on, computer. You can do it. You can do it. All right, so it is worth 20%. You'll do individually, you'll prepare a consumption journal of 20 entries. So it is designed that you'll do over four weeks. You would create five different entries per week. You submit it into turn it in. Uh, it is, you know, subject to, you know, like plagiarism checks. And this that and the other. Um, so it is under the late submission where its business days. 5%. Yeah, I gotta And return of the assessment is 10 days after, um, submission. 10 working days. I should I should specify. Mm. All right. So what does this all mean? And we've given you enormous amounts of detail. So the submission template. Where is it going to open? It's going to open on the wrong screen. Of course it is. So you do not. You just need to fill in the blanks on this template. You do not need to add pages. You do not need to rearrange information. We had all sorts of weird and wonderful things when it came to this template. The template is set up for everything that you need to do for this assignment. So don't add your name. Don't add your student number. Don't add anything of the sort. So there's a summary of all 20 things. So we suggest that you start as soon as possible documenting your consumption activities. Um and you document them over here. So you have enough time, So I think it's do week seven. So from now you have about 6.5 weeks in order to document four weeks worth of consumption activities. Mhm. You only need to tell us your gender, your age and your household pipe and by household type. I mean, are you living in a student accommodation? Are you living at home with your parents? Are you living in a rental property with flatmates? Are you married with Children? Those are the, you know, in terms of household type. That's what we're looking for. Yeah. All right. So that's the template. Use the template. Don't muck around with the template. We had people who were combining sections and you're like, What are you doing? We had people who submitted only five entries, and it's like, What are you doing? The template had 20 entries. Why did you only submit five? We are so confused. And you've lost so many marks. So the template is there, use it. Don't muck around with it. Okay, So the other thing. So, in terms of general completion, there's a whole bunch of information around what is included in each of the sections. But because the consumption journal becomes the data that is used for the consumer profile report, the important thing to note is that you will not be analysing your own journal for the Consumer Profile report. You will be randomly allocated someone else's journal in order to analyse someone else's consumption behaviour for the consumer profile report. Why are we doing this? It's because in marketing it is very important that we're understanding the behaviour of other people. Other people are our customers. We are not our own customers. So the Journal is generating that data. The report is analysing someone else's journal. So what we're going to do is that your journal will be given a grade and within grade band. So pass credit distinction. HDs. They will be randomly assigned within those grade levels. So if you get a pass for your journal, you will be allocated another past level journal. This is in order to maintain some sort of fairness that someone who's put in a massive amount of effort HD Journal doesn't get a barely, you know, sufficient journal when it comes to analysis. So there is a reward here. Additional reward for doing a good journal. You get a good grade and you will get allocated an equally good journal in order to base your report on. Okay, What do you do if you don't generally purchase five things in a week? I'd be surprised if you don't pay bills, subscription fees, Um, coffee, petrol food. If you don't do five of those sorts of things in a week, I would be massively surprised. Um, even if it's something that someone else bought for you, it is still part of your consumption. You might be reporting what other people did in terms of their consumption for you or could like buying for you. But, I mean, if you're absolutely stumped, you could fall back on. I sat at home and did nothing, and my dad just bought everything for me. And these are the five things he bought for me. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Mhm. All right. So can it be a product or a service? It could be both either. Both I said subscription service. And there I'll get into a bit more detail in terms of expectations, but I look at the grading rubric. Yeah. So for each purchase situation, you need to talk about the island. Purchase to be specific include things like the brand, the size, the colour, not just what it is. So we had people who said things like a bucket last year and was like, What kind of bucket? What? Size of bucket? Mhm. You know, Is it a metal bucket, a plastic bucket, a big bucket, a little bucket, a 20 litre bucket, 100 litre bucket? It's a bucket. You know, you can't give us more detail. Okay? Reason for the purchase includes things like, Why did you select this item? What other options were considered? What were the attributes of the item you chose that made it the better choice compared to the other items? Are the other options that you considered? Yeah. So the problem. Identification trigger. Why was the purchase necessary? Desirable at this time? What problem in your life is it solving? You know, it could be I was thirsty. I had just been exercising and I was thirsty, so I bought. I had been at the gym. I was exercising. I was thirsty, and I forgot my water bottle. So I bought a bottle of water. I'm a terrible person for the environment. Um, so at this point in time, the problem is solving is the fact that biological the thirst is a bad thing. Place of purchase. Where did you purchase the item from? Was it from the gym? And the vending machine was at the cafe next door. Where was it? Why did you go there? Why did you buy it from the vending machine and not the cafe next door? Yeah. Purchase influences. So what? Information sources were used, right? So was it advertisements? Was it menus? Was it something that someone told you 10 years ago? Was it a social media influencer that you follow on? Instagram was at various combinations of all of the above. Did you talk to someone instal? You know, like I asked the waiter and they recommended the bottled water today. Uh huh. Doesn't matter. I'm just making stuff up. Feelings associated with the purchase. Um, how did you feel making the purchase where you're unsure. Were you confident that on what you're getting because you bought it a million times before? Um, how did you feel afterwards? You know, I bought it a million times before, but this time around, it tasted funny. I didn't like it. I don't think I'll be buying it again. How is it used? So when I bought the bottle of water. Did I use it straight away? Did I then use that plastic bottle over and over and over again as my gym bottle? Because I feel like I re using the plastic bottle. Makes me less environmentally friendly, more environmentally friendly. Uh, date. When was it purchased? This is to check to see whether you're in your week. Is it in the week? You know, we have designated weeks. Was it purchased within that week and how much was paid? If you purchase it overseas, you can put it in the currency it was bought in, but please provide a converted Australian dollar price. Um, even if you are in Australia and you're buying things off the Internet and you know it's in us dollars, please provide the conversion of what that means in Australian dollars, just so it's easier to compare. So we've got examples of what each of these entries should look like. We've got a pretty good one, and we have an average one in terms of the level of detail on what is included in each section. Yeah, we are going to be doing when I said in the tutorial. The other thing we're going to be doing in the first half a semester is looking at What is a good and bad journal entry getting you to write practise journal entries, getting you to critique and evaluate journal entries and, you know, rewriting and making better journal entries. So that's the other part of what we're going to be doing in tutorials is how to journal your consumption and how to do it well and provide you with feedback in order for you to be able to do it better. Yes. So submission requirements basically use a word document. Use the template provided Don't muck around with it. Um, submit it to turn it in. The one thing I wanted to note about the submission is this thing here, the consumer. I'd I will be emailing you all individually with this ID number. You would then include this ID number in your submission here and use that ID number in the, um, naming of the file. Okay. Here this is So when we do the reallocations, we know who I know which channel belongs to Who but who? The person who has allocated your journal has no way of identifying who you are. So this is a sort of an extra layer of protecting your privacy. Okay, But we need you to include the i d number. Okay, Alright. So dealing with what we're looking for, So completeness are all 20 entries completed and unique, 5%. So by unique, what we're looking for is, um so avoid if you're buying mhm coffee every day, try to only you buy it from the same retailer or the same, you know, getting it from the same spot. You're getting the same coffee from the same person every day of the week. Only include that once. Yeah, equally, if you are buying multiple things at the same time. So, for example, if you're buying a computer with your buying a laptop with a mouse and other peripheral devices, that is one entry, particularly if you're buying it from the same retailer at the same time. All of those things are exactly the same we're trying to within your 20 entries, which we want you to. We need you to be like, um, divert, you know, representative of the range of things you buy, not just the fact that you buy a coffee every day. You can include in the individual entry around your coffee that you buy from this place every day for whatever reason. So this is your This is your routine You buy from this coffee shop and you get this coffee every day. We don't need 20 entries about it to get that piece of information when it comes to buying multiple things at the same time, you can choose to in terms of the island purchase focus on just one thing, but mentioned that other things were purchased at the same time. Yeah, or you can. If it's only a couple of things, you might say that the thing purchased is these two things that were purchased at the same time. It depends on how many things like we don't need you to list everything that's in your weekly grocery shop. If you've got 50 items, you might want to say, I purchased two leaders of home brand milk full fat, um, along with my weekly shop, and they focus on just the reasons why you bought that milk. Roman has put in the chat window a lot of dots. I don't know what the dots mean and I don't know, Roman.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's from here.
Yes, with friends.
Yeah, it's pretty interesting and funny, but not when I When I say the former former question in the chat books. So I'm quite confused that, uh, yeah, it's all right.
Mhm. Okay, which buddy? Okay, we have to fill. So I'm just like hotel. We have to fill 20 squares with different things. Ah, test a summary. That's your 20 squares? Yes. They should look different. But you also then need to over on this right hand side. You then need to describe what happened, which is in each of those 20 things. Say you feel like you figure down the like. I said, you do not need to include concepts. You don't need to sit there going. I was feeling a bit. I was I was suffering from post purchase dissonance. Regular people don't talk about dissonance. You can just say I was feeling unsure. Um, well, let me just answer the engine. There are many live streaming sales on tiktok in China. Can I buy items through live streaming? You can buy them wherever you like. You just need to describe I bought it off. Tick tock. This is why I brought it off. Tick tock. This is how I brought it off. Tick tock. This is what I bought on tiktok. This is okay, Willie.
So if you're paying different type of bills throughout the throughout the week, the only considers one item that is paying bills.
So if you're paying different bills so that we can
count as considered as one item that is being built,
uh, you could I mean, if you're talking about things like gas, water, electricity, that's pretty. I mean, there's not going to be huge. I mean, it depends on how much difference we're sitting there. Its own lines of, um, sort of, um it's How much are we going to understand about who you are as a shopper? If we hear all about your electricity and gas and water bills? Um, yeah, in terms of maximising uniqueness, it's like if you've got other things to talk about, you can include other things. But if you're struggling, fine. So that will be our last resort.
If we don't have any other entries to the journal,
Uh, sorry. So that pain bill stuff is going to be able
to last resort in case we don't have any other entries in the journal?
Yes, the same way as if you're buying lots of coffee. Mhm. No. Yeah. It's like the bills turned up monthly or they turn up quarterly and you just pay them. Um, why are using that provider you might need to try and remember how far into the past to try and remember why are using that provider? Um, So, uh, so we're looking at completeness. Have you done the 20 entries and all of those you know, your individual characteristics in the summary? Those sorts of things mhm. So the sections within entries. So if you go do weird things like binding. I had people last semester combining sections within entries together. Why? And they did it for every single one. So 1 to 2% depending on how bad it is. You know, if we just skip a section for all entries and it's one that is providing more information, if you skip price, it's less. It's less of a problem. But if you skip the reason why you bought something that's more of a problem, so we've given ourselves a bit of leeway between one and 2%. There, in terms of content, is the description of experience appropriate for respective the section. So you know, when we tell you what to talk about in each section, are you talking about the right thing in that section and then coherence Can they read to understand what happened in the consumption experience? So this is this narrative. Can I see the progression of what happened? How it happened, why it happens when it happened, those sorts of things. And then we have this thing called detail. The more detailed, the better. Yeah, So if you notice the difference between the okay versus the very good entry in water, you'll notice that the very good entry is just longer. So one of the things with this submission is there is no word limit were given. You know, we're trying to, like, reward more detail by you know, this allocating you a better journal. A better journal is one that provides more detail and provide that detail. You just simply need to use more words. Okay, so there is no no limit. Just keep writing. We had some very long ones last year. Ah, but they're arranged, but the shorter ones tended not to do as well as the longer ones. But you can be long and then talking about things that are unrelated and unhelpful. So it's not the be all and end all. But we will do more work on this in the tutorial. It's not okay, so is there any other questions about the consumption journal? I said, Well, do more information and more coverage of this in the tutorials. So, um, we'll return to this. It's not something like, We're going to tell you this now and then expect you to submit this in Week seven, and that's it. It's going to We're going to get you to practise this in tutorials. All right? I'm hearing lots of silence, so I'm going to
2. Assignment Completion
IntroductionThe consumption journal allows students to document and reflect on their own consumption behaviour by identifying what they consumer, and the situational, personal and social influences that affected their behaviour.Description
As an individual, students are required to record their weekly consumption along with any thoughts, feelings, and influences on their consumption behaviour. Record 5 entries per week. Please note you should have at least 20 entries (4 weeks x 5 entries). Each entry needs to capture a different consumption experience. i.e. not including things purchased at the same time, e.g. multiple groceries or a computer with peripherals, and don't include multiple habitual purchases, e.g. only include your regular morning coffee once.
Note: Consumption journals will be randomly assigned between students in order to complete Assessment Task 4. Journal allocations for Assessment Task 4 will be allocated based on grade ranges, e.g. journals awarded a Pass will be allocated between other Pass level students. This means the better the journal you submit the better quality the journal you will be allocated to complete the report. Failed journals will be allocated a Pass level journal for this assignment. This assignment and Task 4 relies on reciprocity between students. Be as complete and accurate as possible in your journal, to ensure that everyone can be assigned a journal with sufficient information to complete the Consumer Profile Report successfully.
Submission Template
To complete this assignment you are required to use the Consumption Journal template, available .
Journal Completion
For each consumption experience you need to report the following:
· Item Purchased: Be specific, include things like brand, size, colour, not just what it is.
· Reason for purchase: Why did you select this item? What other options were considered? What were the attributes of the item you chose that made it the better choice compared to other options considered?
· Problem identification trigger: Why was the purchase necessary / desirable at this time? What problem in your life is it solving?
· Place of purchase: Where did you purchase the item from? Why here?
· Purchase influencers: What information sources were used, e.g. advertisements, menus, in-store information, online ad? What people influenced the decision, e.g. people who gave you information or people you are buying with/for?
· Feelings associated with purchase: How did you feel while making the decision? How do you feel afterwards?
· Consumption experience: How was the item used? What was your evaluation of its ability to solve your problem?
· Date: When was it purchased. Note: it needs to be within the specified week.
· Price: How much was paid. If purchased overseas provide a converted price in AUD.
Consumption Experience ExamplesAn example of a very good entry
Item Purchased: Lark Hill 2020 Riesling
Reason for purchase: I have an emotional connection and fond as it was the bottle of wine, I shared on the first date with my current partner. I was familiar with the brand, as my workplace sold a premium version of the Riesling and often did wine events and trainings with the vineyard. I don’t usually drink wine at home, typically more of a spirits person, but this day I was feeling like something a little more gentle and accessible. I was looking for an easy pick and this Riesling jumped out, and it was a bit cheaper than other similar tier Canberra district Rieslings such as those by Mount Majura and Clonakilla.
Problem identification trigger: It had been a long weekend, and I had worked shifts since Thursday and wanted something to relax a little bit. I knew I had finished my gin and rum bottles at home, and wasn’t quite ready to purchase another bottle of spirits, so I settled on wine.
Place of purchase: Jim Murphy Express
Purchase influencers: I was in Majura park to go buy groceries and the Jim Murphy is right next to Woolies. I had heard good things about the store from other hospo workers so I trusted it would have a decent selection, and I was generally curious about what they had to offer. After browsing the store for about ten minutes I felt somewhat socially inclined to buy something since the worker there had greeted me and tried to help me find a product that suited me. I felt I was influenced by the reciprocity effect whereby I felt like I needed to return her assistance with a purchase to justify her efforts in helping me and spending time in the store.
Feelings associated with purchase: It was a quick an easy transaction, and I had gotten a good understanding of Jim Murphy’s offerings and why my friends rated the place highly. The lady was very polite at the checkout and I felt like the product and experience I had gotten were good value for money. Upon inspection of my expenses later in the week when I was doing my books, I realised there was a disconnect between what I thought the price was and what I spent. I thought the 2020 vintage was ~~$21 and the 2019 vintage was $24.99, whereby I had opted for the cheaper option. Regardless, I was still happy with my purchase and would go back again.
Consumption experience: It met my expectations and built upon the memories I have of it as there was very little variation from similar aged vintages from previous years. I shared the bottle with my flatmate over dinner we made together, adding a social element to my consumption and enhancing my experience.
Date: 22/3
Price: 24.99
An example of an average entry
Item Purchased: bean bag
Reason for purchase: I want to have a rest in the sunshine on my balcony
Problem identification trigger: the sofa is too heavy to move from the living room, but normal chairs are too hard for a nap. A beanbag is more comfortable than chairs.
Place of purchase: online purchase
Purchase influencers: the salesman (he can make profit from each purchase); my family, especially my mom, they can also have a relax on the beanbag on weekend; express deliverer.
Feelings associated with purchase: When I was waiting for the transportation of goods, I would go to the balcony every afternoon and look forward to the scene where I could have a rest after the beanbag arrived. When the beanbag was installed, I was very happy, although the installation process was not very easy, but it was very relaxing to sit on the beanbag, eat snacks and play games.
Consumption experience: I'm satisfied with the purchase because it feels great to use and is relatively cheap, and so far usage is frequent, and the relevant influencers (my family) are happy with the purchase. I'm thinking of buying it again so we can have high-tea together on the balcony. When purchasing such furniture which is not very important, I think the advantage of online purchase is that it is cheaper than physical purchase, and I can also get a lot of information I want to refer to from the evaluation. Therefore, I will continue to choose online purchase of similar small furniture.
Date: 5th March
Price: $120
3. Submission Requirements
Submission requirements:
Please apply the following requirements:
· Submit a single file containing the entire submission in MS-Word.
· Name your submission in accordance with the following format:
· Consumption-Journal-###.docx
· Where ### is the Consumer ID No. you were assigned. This is designed to protect your anonymity.
Submission: Turnitin
4. Grading and Feedback
Consumption Journal
Feedback and Grading: up to 10 working days after submission.
Grading Rubric