The impact of Miranda v. Arizona

Each student will complete an original research essay on a current and significant constitutional law issue. The research paper will be 7-10 pages in length, double-spaced, and the format will utilize the current APA Publication Manual. The paper must have a minimum of 8 references from scholarly journals or articles. This may include scholarly journals that are published online. You may NOT cite Wikipedia as a source. The papers will be graded on thoroughness of researched topic, quality, and content. As future criminal justice practitioners, students must learn to read, write, research, and formulate ideas to be successful. Note that the page limit refers to the number of pages of written text (the body of the essay). The total page count will be greater, as it will include the title page, the abstract, the reference page(s) and any appendices. Do not turn in work that has been or will be turned in for credit for any other course. Dropbox has a feature that shows the instructor the extent to which the work resembles work that has been turned in elsewhere.

A researched essay is a short literary composition on any single subject, usually presenting the views of the author. The content of the essay will typically be supported by or referent to data or information obtained through research of appropriate subject matter in literature. Using the class literature (Skypack) as your main source will not earn you many points.

Plagiarism is the act of copying or paraphrasing the words of another author without giving credit for them. Do NOT do it. The use of available current literature for stimulation of thought is appropriate and expected; however, the use of ideas and words from such literature without properly citing such writing will be penalized.

The following elements will be graded in evaluating your researched paper:

Title page


Overall content


Bibliography/Reference list-you must have at least 8 references from scholarly literature


Grammar (the principles of rules of sentence structure)

Syntax (how you write what you write)

Styles (margins, paragraphing, font size, etc.)