Major paper # 3: Solution Argument. Among the teenagers, cause andeffect essay Alcohol

Formatting: MLA 8th Edition

Total Page Requirement: 6 – 8 double-spaced pages + a works cited page

Important Note: Papers of less than 3 full pages will receive additional penalties.

Sources: Please use at least 5 academically-reliable sources to support your argument.

For your third and largest paper, you will construct an essay that argues for a solution to the problem you’ve been writing about this semester. To reach the minimum page requirements, you must go far beyond merely stating fact after fact. Instead, you must use those facts as part of a concerted effort to convince the audience that your argument is right. Use the skills youve practiced in the last two essays to assist you in the construction of this text.

Your essay will be evaluated by the following characteristics:

It must display a formal, sophisticated writing style that avoids casual language; direct references to the writer, reader, and/or essay (first and second-person references); trite expressions and clich; etc.

It must include properly formatted MLA in-text citations and works cited page citations. Remember that the works cited page is required but doesnt count toward the minimum page requirement total.

It must include properly incorporated and introduced evidencequotes, statistics, facts, etc.that support the argument but do not dominate it. Original thinking and explanations are of paramount importance. An over-reliance of quotes and/or paraphrasing will garner severe penalties.

It must make an actual argument and attempt to convince the audience of an argumentative stance. It must not simply summarize the issue or the possible approaches to it.

It must be mechanically correct, avoiding significant errors in grammar, punctuation, and syntax. It must also utilize transitional devices and sentence variety to create a sophisticated, clear, and fluid writing style.

It must avoid committing logical fallacies, including oversimplification and slippery slope errors.

It must display proper MLA formatting.

It must include a substantial introduction and conclusion that both meet the goals discussed in class.

It must maintain a logical structure in which paragraphs are cohesive, well-organized, and purposeful.

It must display depth of analysis: the ability to make connections among ideas and effectively explain content, as well as the ability to move beyond summary and subjective judgments.
Please note that, once again, you will not be graded on your opinion or the suggestions you select. You will instead be graded on how well you express your argument, persuade your audience, and employ the rhetorical techniques and strategies weve been studying. Due on the 28th of march