Anaphylactic Shock Presentation



In general, primary management of anaphylactic shock risk is by limiting exposure to the allergen. Those with severe allergies tend to think of their anaphylaxis risk as being higher as children, but lessoning as they reach adulthood. Newsflash, one never outgrows allergies as they are genetic. Second newsflash, adults are notorious for not carrying their epi-pen injectors with them. The likelihood of having to respond to such an emergency is more probable than you would imagine.

This week, create an informational presentation on anaphylactic shock. Include the following:

  • Definition
  • Causes (food, pollen, etc)
  • Prevalence
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment/Response
  • Prevention/Management

Your research should include three cited references of your choice. One of those can be the Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED student manual (see attached), though a minimum of two others must come from other academic sources. Work will be graded on content, organization, and grammar.

All presentations should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (i.e., appropriate spacing and font size for your presentation and audience), include relevant visual images, include current APA or MLA in-text citations when appropriate, an APA reference slide or MLA works cited slide when appropriate, and should be uploaded as .ppt or .pptx documents or some other resource that is accessible to the instructor without login/password credentials (e.g. Prezi, publicly set YouTube, Camtasia, Voice Thread, etc.). If you are unclear about the acceptability/accessibility of certain presentation software, it is your responsibility to contact the course instructor for approval prior to your submission. Please be aware that Keynote is not accepted.