
 Introduction to CybersecurityGuidelines for Assignment – Digital Forensics (Hash Functions & Digital Evidence)


The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to the foundations of digital forensics including the role of hash functions in preserving digital evidence and hashing functions used by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies when conducting digital investigations.


Your assignment will be to develop a written paper that will provide a documentation of the following steps:

1- Take a portrait picture of yourself and email it to your email address.

2- Save it to your drive as YYYYMMDD_Yourname1.jpeg

3- Make a duplicate of that picture to YYYYMMDD_Yourname2.jpeg

4- Open your saved YYYYMMDD_Yourname2.jpeg in a graphics software and change the color of only ONE pixel, save the file.

5- Go and download HashClac from

6- Install it and run it over your YYYYMMDD_Yourname1.jpeg

7- Then run it over your YYYYMMDD_Yourname2.jpeg

STEPS 1-7 are already DONE (The Results at the END of THIS Document USE IT)

8- Report side by side at least five of the hash records. These MUST include the NSA’s SHA1 and the MD5.

9- Explain what you found.

10- Now, search a bit about Hashing Function Collision and explain why SHA1 and MD5 are “broken” for transmission (I.e. SSL) but still valid for Digital Forensics.


All text in the proposal should be word-processed (letter or correspondence-quality font), New Times Roman or Calibri, 12 point, double space and standard margins.

The following information should also be included:

Title page:

· Project Title

· Assignment Name and Number

· Name and email

· Professor's name

· Class Name and Number

· Due date

The report should also be done professionally and should include:

· Table of Contents (with sections & page numbers identified)

· Page numbers on all pages

· Clear and consistent headers of all sections

· Reference List following APA closely


This case will be graded out of 100 points. This assignment will weight 10 points of your final grade.

Does not meet standard

Nearly meets standard

Meets standard

Exceeds standard

Title page

Total mess, nothing is there

Few required items there

Evidence of all items, but not in a professional appearance

All required items there and look professional

TOC page

Total mess, nothing is there

Few required items there

Evidence of all items, but not in a professional appearance

All assignment sections noted, page numbers indicated, and look professional

Overall layout

Total mess

Few required items there

Evidence of all items, but not in a professional appearance

Assignment look highly professional

Side by side reporting of the hash records

Not found

Few required items there

Evidence of all items, but not in a professional appearance

Section noted professionally, five function hashes reported for both images, including NSA’s SHA1 and the MD5.

Explanations of the results

Not found

Short and not detailed explanations provided

Explanations provided, but not in a professional appearance

Section noted highly professional with clear and precise explanations

Hashing Function Collision explanations

Not found

Explanations provided, but not in a professional appearance

Evidence of all items, but not in a professional appearance

Section noted highly professional with clear and precise explanations


Not found

Some references appear, but not in APA

All references appear, but not fully per APA

All references appear and follow closely APA


The assignment is expected to be completed by the deadline scheduled in the syllabus. If emergency occur, please send an email message to your professor informing that the assignment will not be posted on the due time, prior to the deadline.

Points may be deducted for late submissions.


Please submit the assignment in MS Word format (.docx) to the Canvas Assignments Dropbox. A direct link to Assignment Dropbox is provided in the course menu bar on the left.

Please name the files you upload to Assignment Dropbox in the following way: LastName_Assignment3.docx.

So, for example, if Jose Rodriguez, submitting Assignment No. 3 the filename should be: "Rodriguez_Assignment3.docx"

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated


Graphical user interface, table  Description automatically generated
