
TRIN603 Assessment 2

Semester 1, 2020

Written ethical decision making assessment


Instructions – please read carefully:

· This is an open book assignment. That means you can refer to your Code of Ethics, the articles we have used in class, and the powerpoints that are available on Blackboard. You can refer to other sources if you like, but you don’t need to. When you draw on information from these sources use appropriate citations and referencing:

· This is an individual assignment so you must work alone.

· Included below is a confidentiality agreement that must be filled out. You are expected to adhere to the conditions laid out in there and submit it along with your assessment.

· If you would like to clarify any questions, please post your question to our ‘Assessment 2 questions’ class café thread.

· Please submit to Turnitin by Thursday, 18th June, midnight – this deadline is not flexible to be fair to all. Submit by the deadline to have your assessment marked.

· When you upload, there is likely to be a high similarity rate, which you should be able to view. As long as this is only instructions, scenarios, and quotes from your Code of Ethics/articles, this is not a problem. You can overwrite your own submission anytime up until the deadline.

· Each of the following scenarios are followed by questions for you to answer. Please write about 1 page for each scenario (including all questions) – up to 1.5 pages maximum if you need it.

· Base your answers as closely as possible on the information provided in the scenario.

· Please give decisive responses about what you would do in each situation and why, and do not “hedge your bets” by offering several different possible responses (unless asked to do so).

· Each question is worth 20 marks. Total available marks: 100.


TRIN603 Confidentiality Agreement 





Paper number: TRIN603 Interpreter role, ethics and practice 

Assessment 2: Written ethical decision-making assignment 

Lecturers:  George Major and Agustina Marianacci



Please highlight to show you have read and agree to the following: 


¡I understand that the contents of this assignment are confidential until after the due date/time (Thursday June 18th, midnight). 

¡I understand that this is an individual assignment. I must not discuss my answers with anyone until after the due date/time. 





Student’s name: 



Scenario 1

You are interpreting for a LOTE-speaking man during his court hearing, where he has been charged with threatening to do grievous bodily harm, but you know that he also has a history of domestic violence. After the hearing, you are interpreting his bail bond, which establishes the conditions he needs to meet upon release before he appears in court again for the rest of his trial. The man signs the agreement, which means he will be free to leave the court and go home, but cannot contact nor go near the victim in any way. However, just as the man walks past you to leave, he mutters “I’m going to kill her when I get back home”.

(a) What is the problem here for you as the interpreter? (2 marks)

(b) Which principle/s of the Code of Ethics does this relate to and why? (3 marks)

(c) What would you do and why? Write down what you would do and explain your reasoning. (5 marks)

Scenario 2

You are interpreting a workplace meeting. The employer who is chairing the meeting seems kind and well meaning, but she keeps using very derogatory labels about your/your client’s culture. She is joking and trying to create rapport and clearly has no idea she is being very offensive. Your client has just started in this new job and wants to make a good impression. You feel really uneasy at the idea of interpreting these horrible terms. Please conduct a Demand-Control Schema analysis, using the questions below to guide you.

(a) What would be the main demand for you, and which category does it fall into (EIPI)? (2 marks)

(b) What are some possible controls you could use? (3 marks)

(c) What would you do and why? Explain your reasoning with reference to your Code of Ethics. (5 marks)

Scenario 3

You turn up to an assignment that you thought was going to be a community consultation meeting. However, once you arrive, you realise it is something completely different – it is a meeting of a well-known and openly racist group. You feel extremely uncomfortable at the thought of going through with this assignment. The meeting is about to start.

(a) What is the problem here for you as the interpreter? (2 marks)

(b) Which principle/s of the Code of Ethics does this relate to and why? (3 marks)

(c) What would you do and why? Write down what you would do and explain your reasoning. (5 marks)

Scenario 4

You have just finished interpreting a public lecture about civil engineering for 3 LOTE-speaking professionals. You feel awful because even though you prepared the best you could have, in the moment it was clearly too complex – there were a lot of very technical terms and concepts you did not understand. This means the LOTE-speaking clients would not have had equal access to the information that their English-speaking colleagues would have. Please conduct a Demand-Control Schema analysis, using the questions below to guide you.

(a) What was the main demand for you during the assignment, and which category does it fall into (EIPI)? (2 marks)

(b) What is the main demand for you after the assignment, and which category does it fall into (EIPI)? (2 marks)

(c) It has already happened, so you can’t change that. However, what are some post-assignment controls you could use? (3 marks)

(d) What would you do post-assignment, and why? Explain your reasoning with reference to your Code of Ethics. (3 marks)

Scenario 5

As a new-graduate interpreter you know that you need to engage in regular professional development to maintain and improve your skills. You also know that you need to look after yourself to avoid burnout. Please answer the following questions as they relate to you personally, with reference to your Code of Ethics where relevant.

(a) Why is it important to engage in regular professional development for yourself, your profession and your community? (4 marks)

(b) What sort of professional development do you imagine will be useful to you as an interpreter and why? (think about, or find out about, actual types of PD that will be available to you). (3 marks)

(c) If you found that you were feeling very stressed because of a very difficult and sad interpreting job, what are some things you could do to look after your mental wellbeing? (3 marks)