
Solutions Design Matrix

Problem Solutions Matrix
Directions: You will use this matrix to record previous attempts to address the problem and proposed problem solutions. Complete the columns on the matrix as directed. For the "Previous Problem Solution/Proposed Problem Solution" column, include a detailed description of the solution, including the source of the solution. In the case of a previous solution, the source could be a manager interview, while the source for a proposed solution could be a link to an online reference article or resource. All other columns must rank the specified element as it relates to the solution using a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 being the highest ranking. Note that the "Customer Importance" column is weighted at twice the value of the other categories, since the impact of a solution on customers if of utmost importance. For example, if the solution was very important to the customer experience, it would earn a 5. If that same solution was only a 1 in efficiency and quality, then a 1 would be used in those two columns. If employees were somewhat satisfied with the solution and it was in the middle in terms of cost effectiveness, then both of those columns would be ranked as a 3. When calculated, the overall solution score would be 18. This number could then be used to compare the solution to others as a means of determining whether or not it should receive further consideration for implementation as a problem solving strategy.
Customer ImportanceEfficiencyQualityEmployee SatisfactionCost EffectivenessSolutions Score
Previous Problem SolutionRank each items as a 1, 3, or 5 with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.
Ex: Update and provide more training to Call Center staff3133114
Proposed Problem SolutionRank each items as a 1, 3, or 5 with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.
Ex: Change CRM rules for highest error categories3555324

Problem Solutions Matrix Part 2

Problem Solutions Matrix Part 2
Directions: Transfer the data for columns A-G from your original Problem Solutions Matrix spreadsheet file. Complete column H by following using the note provided.
Customer ImportanceEfficiencyQualityEmployee SatisfactionCost EffectivenessSolutions ScoreResearch Data and Examples
Proposed Problem SolutionRank each items as a 1, 3, or 5 with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.NOTE: List specific resources used to find examples, relevant statistics data, and facts regarding the effective implementation of the problem solving strategy in related businessess. Cite all resources using APA format.
Change CRM rules for highest error categories3555324Used data analysis from root cause analysis and hypothesis testing of significant variables to identify high impact solutions.
Update and provide more training to Call Center staff3133114
Directions: In the space below, indicate which problem solution you have selected and justify why you think this will be the most effective way to address the problem you have identified in your organization.