Juvenile Justice Administration

Please upload all of your information in one document. This document should include a reference list with the four articles you read, followed by summaries of two peer-reviewed, empirical articles as described below:

Pg. 1 of your document should be your reference list. It should be in APA format.
Pg 2 should start your first summary. The summary should be 1-2pp long. You should start your 2nd summary on a new pg in the same document.
For your summaries:
Paste each of the below headings into your document for each of your two articles, and then address the topic in the heading.
Title of article
Research questions (s) & hypothesis(es)
Sample (subjects, place)
Methods (surveys? interviews? case files?)
Relevant Findings
Strengths & Weaknesses
Discuss how confident you are in the results, based on your assessments of strengths and weaknesses of the research design.
Clearly note strengths and weaknesses of the design.
Based on this article, what recommendations will you make to your group, and why.
Your document must be typed in Word .doc. If you do not have or use Word, please save your document as a .pdf before submission.

Each summary should each be approximately 1.5 to 2 double-spaced pages (that is, your total document should be about 4-5 double-spaced pages with its ref. list). Writing style and grammar should be professional in tone and free of typos. Standard font & margins should be used. No need for class info etc at tip – just note your name.  Refrain from using direct article quotes.

Focus only on relevant information from your article (eg – if your topic is SROs, and you read an article that explores the influence of school environment on delinquency and the article has multiple hypotheses – some relating to the presence of SROs, others to the curricula taught, the faculty turnover rate etc, you should only focus on the hypotheses related to SROs).

Be sure your research is current (10 yrs max), that the articles are peer-reviewed & empirical, not assigned for class, and that all articles are relevant to your topic (eg – if examining research on interrogation, make sure it is on juveniles; if examining pre-adjudication detention makes sure you don’t have an article on post-disposition incarceration).

While not required, it may also be useful to read law review articles, policy analyses, or research briefs or other documents found on relevant  .edu or .org websites (eg: OJJDP, NIJ, BJS).  News articles – especially  those from generally well-reputed sites such as the New York Times or Wall Street Journal – may also be helpful as you seek  to get a deeper understanding of your topic of interest. You can add these to your bibliography in addition to your empirical articles , but they should not be used for summaries,

If you wish, you may use one peer-reviewed meta-analysis as part of your four articles, but both submitted summaries must be based on empirical, peer-reviewed articles that are not meta-analyses.

In addition to uploading your document below, please paste a copy to your group discussion board for your group mates to read.