Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples Final Draft

Topic Overview
For this essay, you will research an indigenous group and their relationship with anthropology.  Include the following points in your essay.
    Describe the group you have chosen. Incorporate various topics that we have explored throughout the semester: language, ethnic identity, economy, political system, kinship, marriage, religion, arts.
    What issues has this group faced in terms of globalization? Some examples may include culture loss or forced resettlement.
    Describe how anthropologists are currently working with this group. Some examples may include language loss prevention, revitalization of some cultural aspect, or legal representation for land rights.
Here are some examples of indigenous groups from which to choose.  Your instructor may have more examples.  If you choose a group not on this list, have it approved by your instructor.
    The Inuit of the Arctic
    The Yanomami of the Amazon
    The Maasai in East Africa
    The Maori of New Zealand
Please refer back to the Statement on Ethnocentrism, and keep it in mind as you write your paper. 
    Read the following Statement on Ethnocentrism. Several assignments  refer back to  this statement.
o    Ethnocentrism is the act of judging another culture using ones own cultural standards, often viewing ones own culture as correct or superior.  When we are unfamiliar with the way other people live or do things, we might think that their ways are strange, shocking, or incorrect.  Anthropologists often study unfamiliar aspects of culture, but it is important to remember that what is unfamiliar to us is normal to someone else.  One goal of anthropology is to see value in cultural diversity.  Keep this in mind as you complete assignments that ask you to respond to unfamiliar cultures.  It is ok to see something as different; however, avoid making value statements or judgments.  Practice adopting an emic perspective as you move through the course.

Final Draft
    Complete the essay.
o    Address each of the points in the essay overview (see above).
o    Consider any feedback from your instructor on your rough draft.
o    Suggested length is 4-5 pages, but focus on quality and content.

Include at least 3 outside (outside of course content) sources.  Cite your sources at the end of the paper and within the text.  Any format is acceptable, but include enough information that allows your instructor to find your source.  At minimum include this information when available: author, date published, title of source, title of book or journal, publisher name and city, website address. Information on how to cite sources can be found through the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)).