Self Change

As one of the requirements for this course, you will need to write a three-page paper outlining your educational experience, goals, and plans for the future. The paper should be an honest, open appraisal of your own past experience and self-knowledge, the results of your assessments (Multiple Intelligences, FOCUS2, etc.), as well as the goals and plans you have for your future. It should address the three basic elements outlined in the general framework identified below, but be sure to make it reflect your own particular situation in a personally meaningful way. 
The assignment is described IN DETAIL IN YOUR SYLLABUS!! This paper is due at the end of Week 15.
Paper Formatting: All papers should be typewritten, double-spaced, using a standard font style (Times, Times New Roman, Century, Helvetica, Cambria, Calibri, etc.)  12-point type and with 1-inch margins on all sides. Check before you write your paper to make sure the settings in your computer program are appropriate. You can use either Microsoft Word or Google Docs. If you need assistance, you can get help from a Learning Lab Tutor. Prepare a cover sheet for your paper with the title of your paper, your name and the date, and the name of your instructor and the course.
Your paper should reflect your own thinking and feelings with an emphasis on what you experienced when doing the activity and what you have learned about yourself as a result of it. Discuss how this learning can be applied in your other educational activities in the future. Your papers will be graded on the basis of your effort and insight. Be sure to use the computer tools for correcting spelling and grammar errors, prior to turning in the paper. However, do not rely solely on these tools. I recommend that you ask a friend who reads and writes well to assist you in proofreading and editing so that your ideas come through as clearly and smoothly as possible. Learning how to write effectively is one of the most valuable skills you can receive from a college education; this is a good place to practice that process.
You should submit your completed assignment as one document attachment, either a .PDF or a .DOCX.
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