Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate that you understand the material by analyzing the primary sources provided you have been given. The assignment consists of specific questions you must answer. Be sure that your answer addresses the questions!

All answers must be in your own words.
Do not bother with introductions or conclusions.
Do not just make blanket assertions provide supporting evidence and serious analysis of the evidence to show how it supports your arguments.
Even though you are using your own words, you still need to cite the source for your answers. How you do so is not important, though I recommend a simple parenthetical note, as in these examples:
Gregory said that princes should kiss the popes feet (Dictatus Papae #9).
Most of the power ended up in the hands of the manorial lords, even though they had no legitimate claim to authority (textbook, page 326).
Members of the clergy were not supposed to be married or having sex (lecture 12).
Direct quotes and paraphrases must use quotation marks and credit the source. Using someone elses words without crediting the source is plagiarism and will earn you a grade of Zero for the assignment.
Use of outside sources is strictly prohibited. Copying and pasting from Wikipedia or any other outside source will result in a grade of Zero for the assignment. All papers will be checked for plagiarism by Turnitin.
You may reference the lectures and textbook to support your analysis of the documents, but your focus needs to be on the primary sources.
Use the primary sources found in the Investiture Conflict folder in the Additional Material section of Blackboard to answer the following questions:

How does Gregory VII envision the role of the papacy?
What specific claims does he make about the powers of the pope?
How do his claims challenge the secular authorities?
How does Henry IV respond to Gregorys claims?