Leadership AHA Moment

Please use a total of 6 references two of which are:
Managing Criminal Justice Organizations by R. Kania and R. Davis (2018) 3rd Ed., Anderson Publishing
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by S. Covey (2013), Simon & Schuster Recommended Texts: American Psychological Association Manual (APA Manual) (2019, 7th Ed)

Further instructions are:

You will discuss a Leadership Aha! Moment that you experienced during this semester. You should specifically:
1. Provide a substantive description of your Leadership Aha! Moment and explain the leadership concept, theory or model you suddenly understood on a deeper level. Clearly describe and discuss the situation that you found yourself in that had a clear tie to a concept, theory or model studied during the semester.
2. Explain why the Leadership Aha! Moment was important to your personal leadership learning and how the moment helped you to better understand content covered in class. Just a recount of the experience is not acceptable. Rather, a deep reflection on the experience and discussion of how your Leadership Aha! Moment influenced, and will continue to influence your learning and growth as a leader is expected. Provide how this awareness/reflection has and will continue to enhance your leadership abilities.
3. Reflect on the transition that you have made based on your increased knowledge and awareness of leaderships concepts, theory, and various models. Describe the impact.
4. Use appropriate vocabulary from assigned readings and class discussions related to leadership concepts, theories and models.
5. Be certain to cite in the text of your paper and provide a complete references page in APA format with a minimum of six references all cited in the text of your paper.