
Phase 4: Capstone Project

Mrudalini Moturu

Indiana Wesleyan University

Applied Information Technology Capstone



The globe has undergone digital change as a result of IoT applications. The transition is data-driven, and as previously said, privacy concerns must be addressed.

The most prevalent data security threats in IoT applications are insecure connections and data storage.

To minimize the use of compromised devices to obtain personal data, IoT privacy must be prioritized, and security must be improved.

Policies and legislation must be in place at work to combat cybersecurity concerns and harmful apps' access to sensitive data in IoT systems.

Organizations must consider privacy problems originating from customer profiling, data breaches, lack of permission, and data loss from a legal standpoint.

As Internet firms acquire and trade data, people are facing a variety of privacy problems in the modern online era. They provide secure data transfers that go counter to our desires and concerns. Both users and corporations are actively looking for solutions to the problem. Since we are the ones who granted them a license, they want to increase the legal and regulatory compliance procedures of Internet corporations. The existing legal and regulatory constraints imposed on each ISP are in line with the desires of its customers. Risk reduction and control are the focus of preventive legislation and policies. In the context of cybercrime, preventive law tries to prevent or, at the very least, mitigate the damage produced by a cybercrime.


Problem Statement

The advancement of technology in the modern world has sped up global communication and made it simpler to collect large volumes of data.

Rising communication and information technologies, on the other hand, have sparked worries about their possible influence on personal privacy.

The right to privacy is a basic and universal right that is often disregarded since it is experienced rather than disputed.

More data is being collected as technology progresses in order to unearth previously unknown, unrevealed, and forgotten details about a person.

As a result, technology advancement suggests that we are turning into a transparent society capable of endangering a person's physiological and political liberties

Concerns about privacy have arisen as a result of the usage of technology and the internet. Electronic surveillance, personal information availability, cookies and spyware, and workplace surveillance are only some of the privacy problems. The use of technology to gather intelligence without their agreement is known as electronic tracking. Video, photographs, and audio recordings are all examples of electronic surveillance methods. People's information is stored in databases in a variety of ways. These databases store social security numbers, credit card numbers, medical histories, family histories, and other sensitive information (Conklin et.al, 2020). Almost every organization has a database on all of the people with whom it does business. The question is whether they should be collecting this data, what they plan to do with it, how secure and dependable it is, and to whom they could sell it. Personal information is rapidly being made public in search engine-accessible web databases. Furthermore, websites may track customer behavior without their consent. Cookies can be used by vendors to track a client's movements. Cookies capture information about which pages on a website have been viewed, posing a privacy concern.


Potential Solution

To maintain anonymity, the only choice is to stay analogue, with all interactions taking place via convectional methods. If people interact on the internet, the government can listen in on private conversations.

A sizable portion of today's population prefers to interact via the internet, which saves time and other resources that would otherwise be necessary to influence analogue tactics (Hina & Dominic, 2019).

Adolescents, for example, are intrinsically tied to internet usage, implying that they have already given their consent to surveillance.

In terms of public security, the majority contends that there is nothing to hide hence a lack of understanding of the significance of private information.

The conclusion is that the benefits of using the internet exceed the danger of a data breach. The internet has been labeled the "new platform" for people from all around the world to communicate thoughts. Paying the price of sharing personal information in return for the benefits of global connectedness makes reasonable.



The study involves the use of quantitative methodology.

The most appropriate approach for this study is quantitative methodology since it provides for a larger research, involving a larger number of people, and improving the generalization of the results.

It also allows for more objectivity and accuracy of results (Mesel, 2013). Quantitative approaches, in general, are intended to produce data summaries that support generalizations about the topic under investigation.

Quantitative research aims to gain a better understanding of the social world through data collection. Researchers to observe conditions or events that have an impact on people use quantitative methods which in this study it provides a critical process to address the problem stated (Mesel, 2013). Quantitative research yields objective data that can be expressed effectively using statistics and numbers.


Methodology Cont’d

The data gathering in this paper is also obtained from primary and secondary sources, including literature review, interviews and a survey.

For this study, a deductive approach is used to the issue. To use an inductive technique, one must go deeply into the data to uncover patterns, themes, and connections.

Data analysis will utilize the regression analysis method.


The contemporary world's technological growth has sped up worldwide communication and made it easier to collect vast amounts of data.

Rising communication and information technologies have generated concerns about their potential impact on personal privacy.

To get started with an IT compliance program, an organization needs to understand how to articulate the IT control architecture and the compliance approach.

The architecture of a compliance program can be implemented using audit controls and information systems.

The research involves the use of quantitative methodology as it provides a larger area of research including larger number of participants and an improved generalization of the results.

Data collection for the study will include use of primary and secondary sources, including literature review, interviews and survey.

Data analysis will be done through the regression analysis method after organizing and preparing the raw data collected into a Microsoft excel spreadsheet. In order to determine the validity and reliability of a study's results, statistical tests will be performed.


Hina, S., & Dominic, D. D. (2019). Information security policies’ compliance: a perspective for higher education institutions. Journal of Computer Information Systems. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/10.1080/08874417.2018.1432996

Mesel, T. (2013). The necessary distinction between methodology and philosophical assumptions in healthcare research. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 27(3), 750-756.