

Table 1: Table of Comparison
Elements of Comparison Subject Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3
Sale price of comparable $ 510,000.00 $ 525,000.00 $ 499,000.00
Transaction Characteristics
Property rights conveyed Fee simple Same Same Same
Adjusted price
Financing terms Conventional Same Same Same
Adjusted price
Conditions of sale Arm's length Same Same Same
Adjusted price
Expenditure immed. after purchase None 3,000 None
Adjusted price
Market condition Today 3 months ago: 6 months ago: 6 months ago: Note: All the comparables are recently sold properties. Percentage change is given in the example.
(add 2% total) (add 4% total) (add 4% total)
Property characteristics
Location Huntington Huntington Kensington Millhoper
Physical characteristics (subtract 3% total) (subtract 3% total)
Site/lot size (sg.ft) 6,662 6,700 6,800 6,600
Construction quality Typical Typical Typical Typical
Condition Average Average Average Average
Age (years) 5.5 7 8 10
Living area (sq.ft) 3473 3920 3985 3835
Number of baths 3 3.5 3 2
Garage Space (# of car space) 2 2 2 1
Porch. Patio, deck Cov. Porch/wood deck Cov.Porch Cov. Porch Cov. Porch
Fence, pool, etc. None None Pool Pool
Economics characteristics N.A N.A N.A N.A
Use Single-family Single-family Single-family Single-family
Non-realty Components None None None None
Table 2: Table of Adjustments
Elements of Comparison Subject Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3
Sale price of comparable $ 510,000.00 $ 525,000.00 $ 499,000.00
Transaction Characteristics
Property rights conveyed Fee simple There is no adjustments on these three since they are the same for each property.
Adjusted price
Financing terms Conventional
Adjusted price
Conditions of sale Arm's length
Adjusted price
Expenditure immed. after purchase $ 3,000.00
Adjusted price
Market condition Today $ 10,200.00 $ 21,120.00 $ 19,960.00 Refer to row D 16 for the percentage adjustment information. Subject property sells at higher price because market appreciates.
Adjusted price $ 520,200.00 $ 549,120.00 $ 518,960.00
Property characteristics
Location Huntington $ (16,473.60) $ (15,568.80) As Huntington are less desirable than Kensington and Millhoper, subject should sell at 3% less than comparable 2 and 3. 3% is given in the example.
Physical characteristics
Site/lot size 6,662 sq. ft $ (760.00) $ (2,760.00) $ 1,240.00 An incremental square foot of lot size is worth about $20 per square foot, given in example. Smaller property sells at lower price.
Construction quality Typical $ – 0
Condition Average $ – 0
Effective age 5.5 years $ 4,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 13,500.00 Each year of effective age reduces the value of properties in this market by about $3,000 per year. Younger property sells at a higher price.
Living area 3,473 sq. ft $ (35,760.00) $ (40,960.00) $ (28,960.00) An incremental square foot of living area is worth about $80 per square foot, given in example. Smaller property sells at lower price.
Number of baths 3 $ (500.00) $ – 0 $ 1,000.00 Each additional half-bath is worth $500; each additional full bath $1,000. given in example
Garage Space 2-car $ – 0 $ – 0 $ 8,000.00 Additional garage space is worth $8000. given in example
Porch. Patio, deck Cov. Porch/wood deck $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Additional wood deck is worth $1000. given in example
Fence, pool, etc. None $ – 0 $ (12,000.00) $ (12,000.00) Additional pool is worth $12,000. given in example
Economics characteristics N.A $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0
Use Single-family $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0
Non-realty Components None $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0
Indication of Subject Value $ 488,680.00 $ 485,426.40 $ 487,171.20
Weight 50% 25% 25% You could decide what weight to assign to each property and need to justify your assignments in the report.
Final Consolidation Value $ 487,489.40


Elements of Comparison Subject Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3
Sale price of comparable $ 510,000.00 $ 525,000.00 $ 499,000.00
Transaction Characteristics
Property rights conveyed Fee simple
Adjusted price
Financing terms Conventional
Adjusted price
Conditions of sale Arm's length
Adjusted price
Expenditure immed. after purchase
Adjusted price
Market condition Today
Adjusted price
Property characteristics
Location Huntington
Physical characteristics
Site/lot size 6,662 sq. ft
Construction quality Typical
Condition Average
Effective age 5.5 years
Living area 3,473 sq. ft
Number of baths 3
Garage Space 2-car
Porch. Patio, deck Cov. Porch/wood deck
Fence, pool, etc. None
Economics characteristics N.A
Use Single-family
Non-realty Components None
Indication of Subject Value
