

Revision is an important part of the writing process. Once you have a draft of your essay, you can then begin editing and revising. When you revise, you might add more details, remove unnecessary words, or fix the run-on sentences. These are just a few examples of how you can revise your work.

Initial Post:

Some people really love revision. Other people prefer just to hand in what is required of them without revising or changing any of the assignment. Consider the following questions about revision:

· What is your opinion on revision and how often do you revise your work? 

· What are the dangers of not revising your work?

Share an example from your work this term of a piece of writing that you actually revised. 


Good effort this week. I appreciate your thoughtful, detailed reply to the prompt. Keep up the good work in the weeks to come. 

Great work this week. I appreciate your high level of detail. Keep it up in the coming weeks. 

Excellent work this week. I appreciate your clear and meaningful use of detail. Keep it up in the coming weeks. 

Great work this week. I appreciate your clear and detailed posts. This shows a high level of engagement with your classmates. 

Great work this week. I appreciate your clear and effective details. Keep up the solid work.


In this discussion, we will respectfully tackle a sensitive topic.  As a manager, or employee you may have to handle or even experience bias, discrimination, and stereotyping.  Please watch the following two videos and then post your response to the questions below.

1. First, making a connection to this week's reading materials as well as the videos, explain why workplace diversity is important.

2. Second, what are two (2) specific challenges managers may face in managing diversity and inclusion? How would you go about solving each of these two? 


Your initial post was good. It was timely. That is where the good news ends. There is a requirement to write formally and professionally. Write carefully, and proofread zealously. There is a requirement to respond to a minimum of two of your peers. This allows the Discussion Board (DB) to function as an effective learning mechanism. Please develop the habit of responding to instructor feedback. Best regards

Please use the rubric descriptions to guide your improvement efforts during subsequent units. There is a requirement to write formally and professionally. Write carefully, and proofread zealously. Please develop the habit of responding to instructor feedback. Best regards

Your work is the best I have graded during Unit 4, and I am teaching two classes. Well done. I appreciate your dedication to scholarly excellence. Best regards

Readings and Resources


Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Principles of management. 

This chapter provides you a high-level overview of the functions, importance, and current trends in HR Management. 


In this chapter, review the concept of culture and read about the advantages and challenges of a diverse workplace.  We will continue to explore this important topic with some current articles below. 


Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This article helps prepare you for this unit's microcredential assessment.  Unconscious bias is one of the largest barriers to overcome in the workplace. The author of this article explains the importance of diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias while giving a brief description of common biases. 

· Weiss Ford D., & Sibbernsen, K. M. (2019). . Business NH Magazine, 36(5), 5–7.

This article helps prepare you for this unit's microcredential assessment.  It is important to become aware of unconscious bias and understand how to manage your biases in decision making. The author of this article explains unconscious bias and why we hold these biases.

· Yacovelli, S. (2019).  Personal Excellence, 24(9), 27–29.

Consider lessons 1 and 2 of this resource.

· Murugan, A. (2018). . Anchor Academic Publishing.

This article explains diversity management. It provides resources for public service organizations that can be applied to any type of organization. 

· Fisk, J. M., Silvera, G. A., Haun, C. N., Downes, J., Eberline, N., & Smith-Hanes, P. (2019). . Public Management (00333611), 101(8), 12–18.

This article is about the organizational struggles of managing diversity in the workplace. 

· Tyagi, R. (2016). . Human Capital, 20(1), 59–61.

In this video, glean a few simple techniques to overcome stereotyping and biasing.

This video explains the benefits and challenges of working in a diverse team. 

In this video, the speaker discusses some of the diversity issues managers face in the workplace, such as performance and stereotypes.

Watch this video to the 1:40 mark.  It focuses on the importance of human resource management in businesses. 

Supplemental Resources:

This reference provides an overview of what human resource managers do.  It also gives examples of different types of human resource managers, compensation levels, and advice on how to become a human resource manager.

· . (2018). In U. D. O. L. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational outlook handbook. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.

This article provides a useful review of the reasons why HR is important in organizations. 

· Businesstopia in Human resource. (2018, January 28). . Businesstopia.

This video explains the importance of diversity in the workplace, financially and culturally.  Working together with others helps to create a diverse team.

This article focuses on diversity in the workplace and provides an overview of key factors including employment opportunity, affirmative action, and management of diversity. 

· Tetteh, V. A. (2019). . Salem Press Encyclopedia.

The author of this article talks about his experience with diversity during his teaching career.  He talks about studies in organizational culture to give a better understanding on the topic of organization members. 

· D’Gama, L. (2016). . Human Capital, 20(1), 54–55.

This website provides a brief overview of the different types of diversity found in the workplace. 

·  (2020, July 14). Recruiting Resources.